This large battle map identifies Unionand Confederate entrenchments. It is very detailed, showing the roads, streets, houses, railroads, vegetation etc. Topographical information shown by hachure. At right are elevations of several batteries, both Confederate and Union, also four profiles of different entrenchments are illustrated. This map is regarded as the best contemporary depiction of this important, pivotal Civil War battle. Drawn by Charles Spangenbery.
1863 US War Dept Civil War Map: Siege of Vicksburg
SKU: 2125a
Map of the Siege of Vicksburg, Miss. by the U.S. Forces under the Command of Maj. Genl. U.S. Grant…
Map Maker Specifics
US War Department, 1863 c.
27.5x 29.5 in.
Good - edge chipping on bottom and top, with some up to ca 1 inch into the map. Crisp sharp engraving.