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This map is Sanson's unusual composition showing ancient geography within a contemporary outline of the Americas.   The cartouche notes the mythical island of Atlantis.  California is shown as an island.  This superb map displays only a few cities: Mexico City and Cuzco, the capitals of the New World.  The American continents are divided into regions, named for the ten sons of Neptune / Poseidon. The Great Lakes are shown but still very ill defined. A large lake in the western part of North America is the source of a river that empties into the sea between the continent and the island of California.  Both the Rockies and the Mississippi are misplaced. In South America, the mythical Lake Parime appears unnamed just north of the equator. The map extends to Asia and Europe and shows the early knowledge of coastlines of New Guinea, New Zealand, and Australia. This is a later state as indicated by Burden - wonderfully hand colored outlines.

1699 Sanson Map of Pacific with Mythical Atlantis

SKU: 2164
  • Title

    Atlantis Insula, a Nicolao Sanson Antiquitati Restituta; nunc demum Majori Forma Delineata, et in Decem Regna, iuxta Decem Neptuni Filios Distributa

  • Map Maker Specifics

    G. Sanson / Mariette, 1699, Paris

  • Size

    22.3 x 15.8 in. plus margins

  • Condition

    Very Good.  Sharp Impression on watermarked paper, minor toning, damp stain on margin.  Nicely outline colored.

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